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01-纽约视觉艺术学院School of Visual Arts

MFA Design for Social Innovation

  • 这个专业并不完全是服务设计方向,偏向于社会创新,其中部分课程会涉及到服务设计方法和思维,我们曾经写过一篇文章详细介绍过这个专业,有兴趣的同学可以看一下。《为未来而来,SVA社会创新设计专业解读》。要求申请者具备一定的设计能力,同时要精通Adobe Creative Suite, After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro and HTML等相关软件。建议申请者至少具备两年全职工作经验,当然这个并不是强制要求,如果你是应届毕业生也无需太多担心,也可以提交申请。


  • 动机信+个人简历+推荐信+官方成绩单+语言证明+作品集+Video Essay


  • 1月15日


  • Visual Portfolio reflecting a wide range of communication, 3-D and interactive design, data visualization, service design, and system design. Format: A URL should be included with the online application, or a portfolio may be uploaded to the Graduate Admissions SlideRoom account. To access the portal and find out more information, please click here. Please upload 10–15 still images in .jpg format, not to exceed 5mb each in file size.


  • 作品集包含10-15页,提交格式为JPG图片,同时每张图片不得超过5mb。

Statement of Purpose原文要求:

  • Applicants must submit a Statement of Purpose (250-500 words) describing their reason for pursuing graduate study.


  • 动机信包含250-500字,阐述你的个人背景、为什么要申请这个专业以及你未来的职业发展计划等。


  • TOEFL总分不低于79或IELTS总分不低于6.5或PTE总分不低于53。
  • 需要注意的是,以上语言分数仅仅是申请入门门槛,从过往录取情况来看,建议TOEFL总分不低于93分,雅思总分不低于7.0.

02-帕森斯设计学院Parsons The New School for Design

MS Strategic Design and Management

  • 这个专业是一个设计和商业紧密结合的专业,而这也正是服务设计最核心的两个领域。由于此专业涉及到多个领域,并不局限于单纯的设计能力和思维提升,因此帕森斯设计学院建议申请者至少具备3-5年的相关领域工作经验(相关领域可以是设计、商业、管理等)。详细解读可以回看这篇文章《帕森斯开服务设计专业了?这个专业你得了解》。


  • 成绩单+学位证明+语言证明+个人陈述+个人简历+推荐信+护照+作品集+项目陈述


  • 1月2日


  • Submit no more than 20 items that you believe best represent your background, interests in design thinking, design strategy, innovation, work process, and writings. These may include research outcomes, design strategies, articles, publications, photography, interviews, presentations, video clips, websites, blog URLs, essays, or other media. Where appropriate, include descriptions of the projects, explanations of your role (if the project involved a team), and/or a thoughtful description of the context of the project. If you have dynamic media or other time-based work, you can upload it using SlideRoom.


  • 作品集包含不超过20个items,这里可以理解为20个项目,也可以理解为20页,如果是20个项目,那就每个项目一个PDF文件,分别上传到item上;如果是20页,那就每页一张图片上传到item。


  • Submit a one to two-page résumé/curriculum vitae summarizing your academic qualifications, relevant work experience, published writing, volunteer/community work, professional networking, public speaking, and/or any other relevant experiences that may relate to your field of study, including dates and positions held. Please also note any special language or computer skills that you have.


  • 包含1-2页,客观介绍申请者的教育背景、工作经历、学校或者课外活动,同时可以介绍你的获奖荣誉证书、语言能力等情况。


  • Please outline your reasons for applying to this program. In what ways will you contribute to the subject matter of the program? You should include a thoughtful description of your background, tentative plan of study or area of inquiry in the field as you now envision it, your professional goals, and how this graduate program will help you realize those goals. If your program’s admission committee has a more specific statement prompt, this will be indicated in your online application.


  • 请概述申请原因。您将以何种方式为该专业的发展做出贡献?阐述自己的背景、暂定的学习计划或该领域的研究计划,你的职业目标是什么以及该研究生课程将如何帮助您实现这些目标。


  • TOEFL总分不低于92或IELTS总分不低于7.0或PTE总分不低于63。

03-卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University

Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services

  • 此专业是培养下一代的创新者、设计思想家、颠覆者和变革者,通过这个项目学习如何结合最新的技术去解决行业和社会所面临的挑战。Innovation is driven by people, not products. 这个专业让你有机会与最优秀和聪明的工程师、商业人士、设计师一起学习和工作。详细的介绍可以看我们之前的文章《来CMU读服务设计,我推荐你选这个专业》。


  • 1月20日


  • The MIIPS portfolio is an opportunity to tell us your story. Showcase three to six projects that best illustrate your skills, talents, and interests. Your examples should speak to your problem-solving abilities, visualization skills, and overall level of craftsmanship. In each project, please briefly describe and summarize your contributions.
  • We accept photographs, drawings, videos and/or interactive presentations. Please submit your portfolio in our online application system as either a video (Max: 5 minutes) or PDF (Max: 20 pages).


  • 作品集最终包含3-6个项目,最终提交一个不大于20页的PDF文件。

Video Essay:

  • The video platform gives our admissions committee the opportunity to learn more about you beyond the written materials you have provided. You required to answer one question; the questions are randomized and are not something that you should prepare for.


  • 随机生成问题,无法提前准备。


  • TOEFL总分不低于95分或IELTS总分不低于6.5。


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