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Assessment Criteria

  • Ability to apply practical skills
  • Ability to apply analytical and conceptual skills.
  • Ability to communicate about your work and to put it into context
  • Ability to demonstrate an interest in Design and the Specialist area applied for.

Ability to apply practical skills

We want to see your practical skills and how you explore and use different media and materials: This could be demonstrated in a variety of ways including drawing / painting (analytical / abstract), 2D/3D work, photography / CAD etc.

This could be evidenced by uploading photographs of your sketchbooks, development work, preparatory sketches and final pieces. Several smaller images could be grouped together in one slide, but ensure you are happy with the level of detail you can see.


Ability to apply analytical and conceptual skills

We are interested in the concepts and ideas behind your work how and how they progress and develop; from the initial starting point / source of inspiration through to a finished piece of work.

This could be evidenced by uploading photographs of sketchbook pages / notebooks / worksheets / development sheets and also finished pieces. The work presented should be mainly visual, you will have a chance to explain your process and ideas in the Supporting Text (more details provided on what to include in the following slides).

At least 5 of the 15 images uploaded should show development work i.e. sketchbook pages or development sheets. These should be mainly made up of your own work, we do not want to see lots of secondary source material (magazine cut outs, print outs from the internet, photocopies from books).

The remaining 10 images should show a range of work and your abilities and interests; these images may include work in progress, sketchbook pages or final pieces of work. These images, again, should be mainly made up of your own work, we do not want to see lots of secondary source material.

You should also include some independently generated work, i.e. self-directed work which you produce outwith your current school /college /other course curriculum which demonstrates your own personal interests.


Ability to communicate about your work and to put it into context.

We are interested in how you communicate about your work, the way in which you explain the projects it resulted from and the ideas and sources of inspiration behind it.

Use your Supporting Text to tell us about the project, what inspired you, how your ideas developed throughout the project and elements of the project you consider to be the most successful.


Ability to demonstrate an interest in Design and the Specialist area applied for

We are interested in finding out more about your interest in Design; historical or contemporary artists/designers that you are looking at or are inspired by or exhibitions you have visited. We want to know what or who has motivated or inspired you to apply for the specialist programme (e.g Communication Design, Fashion, Textiles, Silversmithing & Jewellery or Interior Design)

You should include your reasons for applying to Glasgow School of Art and information on what you hope to gain by studying the programme.








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