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大家都知道皇家艺术学的产品设计专业是2年制的,在之前的一篇文章中提到过《学产品设计到底去英国还是美国,RCA、CSM、ACCD到底谁最强》,每一个在皇艺读产品设计的学生都会在第二年的时候选择自己想要研究的领域做项目,产品设计这个专业一共给学生提供了4个平台去选择,每个平台都有两位导师,这4个平台分别是OMI(Object Mediated Interaction), DFM(Design For Manufacture), DTM(Design Through Making), DAC(Design As Catalyst)。



1.OMI(Object Mediated Interaction)


A profound revolution has occurred in product design in the past 50 years. The boundaries of products have changed. In Object Mediated Interactions(OMI) designers learn a new approach to working in the broader context in which products operate by designing the shifting, unseen boundaries of objecis that the digital world has revealed to us.

Object Mediated Interactions investigates the design and communication of hidden systems in the contemporary landscape of product design, because one can no longer see what a digital object does.

The digital world is described neither by the mechanical world of things nor by the methods with which design has traditionally approached communicating mechanical design.

Presently, the largest area of new development is the design of systems in which products and spaces dwell. The enterprise of Object Mediated Interactions is to envision and design changing products that fit into exolving systems. Designers in OMI learn to see how products are pieces of communication, often with unseen boundaries.


在OMI平台,你几乎不会受到任何限制,整个平台的重点在“交互”这两个字上,你可以探索新的交互形式,新的材料,新的技术,新的体验。如果你想研究VR,AR相关领域的内容,这个平台的导师会给你很大的帮助。当然涉及到技术实现方面,还要靠你自己的努力,OMI确实依靠技术,会用到编程方面的知识,更多地是让学生通过项目做“体验”,for fun,把学生培养成“experience designer”,而不是”problem solver”。

2.DFM (Design For Manufacture)

Projects undertaken within Platform 23 are concerned with how products make it into the hands of the end user with design intent fully intact, Students must understand the industrial manipulation of raw materials and components as well as the vaildity of their products in terms of usability, efficiency, sustainability and aesthetics.

Design for Manufacture projects begin by building a meaningful understanding of a particular context (a problem, an opportunity, a human need, a material, a process, a brand etc). Ideas are refined through an intense iterative program of making and testing, in order to fully understand the implications of each and every design decision. DFM projects are delivered by networks, rather than an individual, and as such the designer must develop the ability to speak the language of every stakeholder. In order to deliver their design intent.

Students are required to create sophisticated solutions in the form of either a production-ready product prototype, a new and innovative material and/or a new production process. Consideration must be given to not only the technical aspects of the design but also to ergonomics, human factors, aesthetics and commerce. While this platform is concerned with materials and processes, the end user should remain the primary focus.








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