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米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)是位于意大利米兰的一所国立大学,创立于1863年,是米兰历史最悠久的大学,也是意大利最大的科技类大学,约有42000个学生。米兰理工大学在工程、建筑和工业设计方面是欧洲乃至世界最优秀的大学之一,并在许多领域全球领先。米兰理工大学是意大利大学历史上第一个进入QS世界科技大学排名前50的大学。在2015年度QS世界大学专业排名中,米兰理工大学在设计类排名第11位,在土木工程类排名第13位,在建筑学类排名第14名。


米兰理工大学在朗切斯科·布里奥斯奇(Francesco Brioschi)的领导下创立于1863年,原名为“高等技术研究所”。为了沿袭德语国家开办理工学院的传统,包括学者、教授、地方行政部门(米兰市、米兰省、商务部以及法国伦巴省储蓄银行)、文化社团以及来自久负盛名的米兰家族的企业家在内的群体,经过精心计划,将大学定址于曾经的瑞士大学(Collegio Elvetico),也就是现如今的参议院(Via Senato)。学校于1863年11月29日正式招生,注册学生人数为36人。当时的文化背景为创建学校提供了理想的大环境,让卡罗·卡塔内(Carlo Cattaneo)奥提出的理念得以实现。通过他的“Politecnico”杂志,这位来自米兰的理论家传播着通过科学进步来逐步实现政治和社会发展的理念。
1865年开始,为民用建筑师设立的特殊部门开始遵循新制定的教学定位,此后根据该教学定位,学校始终致力于高等工程技术研究领域的教学。受卡米洛·波伊多(Camillo Boito)的启发,新的课程以其与传统相联系的艺术导向为特征,与此同时,在布雷拉学院的影响下,新的课程也对新的工业部门开放。这促成了一座真正意义上的现代建筑高等学府的形成,而这种学府在当时的意大利尚属首家。朱塞佩·科伦坡(Giuseppe Colombo)继布里奥斯奇后,于1897年至1921年间担任院长职务。他凭借扩展学校和工业界的联系以及创立类似爱迪生(Società Edison)这样的新型公司来进一步推动学院的发展,而爱迪生公司在电器工业的发展进程中也成功扮演了非同寻常的推动者的角色。被公认为意大利工程学始祖同时也是意大利参议员的科伦坡,是具有重要意义的《工程师手册》的撰写者。
1927年,学校迁至目前的校址达芬奇广场(Piazza Leonardo da Vinci),并于9月22日正式对外招生。1937年,学校更名为米兰理工大学。从此,米兰理工大学不断成长,通过培养无数教授、研究人员和企业家,在工程技术以及建筑设计领域发挥着举足轻重的作用,并创造和改写了意大利乃至整个世界的科研历史。如今,米兰理工大学在其各个分校区(Milano – Leonardo、Milano – Bovisa、Como、Cremona、Lecco,Mantova和Piacenza)为所有学生提供世界最先进的科研实验室。


Campus Leonardo, 位于米兰的Piazza Leonardo da Vinci,从1927年开办至今; 从那时起,校区有所扩张。如今由互相靠近的几个小校区组成 (campus Leonardo, campus Bonardi, campus Clericetti, campus Mancinelli, campus Gran Sasso和campus Colombo)。
Campus Bovisa,位于米兰的Bovisa区,从1989年开办至今; campus Bovisa如今由1994年开办的campus Durando和1997年开办的campus La Masa组成 。
Campus Como, 位于科莫市,从1987年开办至今。
Campus Cremona,位于克莱莫纳,从1987年开办至今。
Campus Lecco, 位于莱科市,从二十世纪90年代初开办至今。
Campus Mantova, 位于曼托瓦市,从1999年开办至今; 校址前生是所孤儿院, 由建筑师Paolo Pozzo在19世纪设计。
Campus Piacenza,位于皮亚琴查市,从1997年开办至今。


米兰理工大学的本科课程录取需要学生参加入学考试,诣在检测学生的入学准备程度。考试的主要目标是找出学生的不足,以便选报额外的课程(如有需要)。只有一些课程严格控制入学人数, 虽然大学对每个课程都有规定入学名额。建筑,设计和工程建设系的入学考试分为五部分: 逻辑和常识; 历史; 绘画; 数学和物理; 英语。 除了工程建设系外的其他工程系的入学考试分为四部分: 英语; 逻辑和数学统计; 语言理解; 物理。米兰理工大学的研究生课程需要意大利本国或其他国家的学士学位。不同科系还有一些各自的额外要求,比如获取学士学位花费了多长时间,在读本科时的平均分等。米兰理工大学也开设Dottore di Ricerca (Ph.D.), MBA的课程。

The portfolio cannot be bigger than 15 MB, in pdf. Please do not send hard copies by post since they will not be considered. he portfolio is a collection of selected samples of work from your previous educational programme or work experiences. It should reflect the scope and variety of your training and experience with specific emphasis on your knowledge of and skills in the degree track for which you are applying. You should submit works that represent your interests and personal views as well as your design and technological abilities. Neatness and clarity of presentation are extremely important as they reflect both your attitude towards your work as well as your ability to communicate your work in a comprehensive and deliberate manner.

学院:School of Design
校区:Milano Bovisa
具体介绍:Some disciplines lend themselves to internationalization more easily than others, in Italian universities in general and the Politecnico di Milano in particular. This is the case of Design, which is internationally recognized as an Italian phenomenon and lies at the root of the success of Made inItalyall over the world. The Politecnico di Milano registers interest every year for a university preparation in design, both through the considerable number of foreign students who choose the School of Design as destination for their study period abroad, and through the growing number of enrolment applications from foreigners, many of which are never completed due to language problems, as well as to procedural difficulties (visas, Consulate bureaucracy, the complexity of the enrolment procedure, accommodation difficulties etc.).
Similarly, every year many Italian students enrolled in the School of Design manifest an interest in enriching their educational curriculum with an international experience (transfer, job placement abroad, participation in workshops with foreign universities, etc.), aware of the need to broaden their educational background beyond national boundaries.
It is within this framework that a Laurea Magistrale program in Design in English started up. The Master Programme is grounded into the made in Italy design tradition but, at the same time, aims to face the present and future challanges.

In fact, the world today is going through a profound change that is also significantly modifying training processes. In particular, the increasingly urgent environmental and social demands, the ever more relentless processes of globalisation and consequently the growing competition in an ever increasing market space, the new technologies available, the emergence of new ways of living and new paradigms of consumption (to mention just a few of the phenomena) make it necessary for designers to think in new ways, to create and offer complex, well-articulated solutions.
The Master Degree program in PSSD aims to work in this direction, offering participants the possibility of developing a holistic, integrated vision to designing, through an interdisciplinary course in a multicultural context.

A ‘product-service-system’, in fact, is a blend of products, communication strategies, services and spaces that are used in an integrated way to offer comprehensive, ethical solutions to complex demands. The center of the product-service-system is the people (users, suppliers, employees, or stakeholders in general) who interact with all these multiple design components, which are part of the system as well.â?¨The two-year program aims to train a professional capable of: problem finding and setting; framing a project through various techniques from ethnographic research to strategic positioning; exploring design solutions and forms of innovation through creative coordination of the product-service-system; promoting leadership, self entrepreneurship and pro-activity in the society.
A ‘product-service-system’ is in fact defined by a blend of products, communication strategies, services and spaces that are used in an integrated form in order to offer comprehensive and ethic solutions to complex demands. The center of the product-service-system is represented by the persons (being them users, suppliers, employees, or stakeholders in general), who interact with all these multiple design components, which are part of the system as well.
The two-year programme aims at training a professional capable of problem finding and setting; framing a project through various techniques from ethnographic research to strategic positioning;, exploring design solutions and forms of innovation through the creative coordination of the product-service-system; promoting leadership, self entrepreneurship and pro-activity in the society.
In addition to the Product-Service System Design Master Degree, from this academic year a new Double-Degree in “Management Engineering and Product-service system design” is launched. By attending this program students will developed advanced skills for Designing and Managing innovative ecosystems (products+services+communication+spaces) and business models. More specifically, the Double-degree creates the following capabilities:

-to conceive innovative business models that create value for people and society
-to visualize and narrate those business models so that they can be effectively shared and communicated to other people in an organization, partners, stakeholders and, of course, customers.
-to create value for business, so that your vision is both good for the user and for the organization that creates it (its shareholders, its management and everyone contributing to it)
-to lead the development and implementation process, by engaging other players, so that your vision becomes realized and has a real impact in business and society.

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